Photographed by Publisher in 2006, New Zealand
This blog shares ideas improving the health of humans and the environment, and reduce our Carbon Footprint.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009


Lately, there has been green noise all around us. We hear about green detergents, green appliances, green pesticides, green house keeping and yada yada. How many of you watched the movie ‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’? What was the producer eluding to? That’s no brainer.
What does green mean to you? Share your thoughts with us?

Additionally, if you are interested in the Green Health Care area and are Linkedin, you could also check out the focus group Green Heath Care - Regulatory Compliance and Sustainability and share your ideas. Discussion topics include policies, incentives, sustainability, governance and technology solutions that can promote green health. URL:

1 comment:

  1. An interesting comparison to the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. It might imply that if humans are not careful and do not act fast to be green, then the Earth will slowly be destroyed... Interesting idea, anybody else think of this too?
