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Monday, June 22, 2009

What ACRONYM can best describe what Green is about?

Green, to me, is a metaphor for being environmentally friendly and environmentally responsible. Green needs to be socially acceptable and sustainable. Now, not everyone has the same perception and philosophy about Green. To environmentally conscientious, Green may be considering planting trees, saving energy, managing waste and much more. Then, there may be those, who consider Green as a highly commercialized and marketing term.
Let’s say, we move out of the color game, and try to convey the essence of what Green is about in an acronym. This acronym would be industry-wide, community-wide and global. The challenge is: WHAT ACRONYM CAN BEST DESCRIBE WHAT GREEN IS ABOUT? May be none but let’s give it a try. Viewers, share your ideas with us.
Here is mine :


  1. To say "green needs to be socially acceptable and sustainable" really defines the cause. Those that preach green already are (OK not everyone - see Al Gore), but they require everyone else to be green in order for it to be sustainable. If green is not defined by specific deed, however, it is left to individual interpretation and wildly subjective criticism of those that are perceived as non-green. Let’s define specific actions (one at a time is OK) and the likely benefit (and costs) of those actions. When cost is minimal and benefit is great, wide cultural acceptance will follow.

  2. How about RRR: Reduce, Reuse, Return?

    Green is about finding new efficiencies that lower our use of inputs, thereby reducing levels of consumption. This invariably leads to the amount of harm we do to the environment in several ways.

    Green is about finding ways to reuse materials such that new extraction is not required and waste/harm to the environment is again reduced. Reuse can also be interchanged with Recycle which not only applies to materials but reclaimed energy as well.

    Finally, although a relatively new concept to the business community at large, Green is also about Return, specifically ROI. As we continue to price for the harmful externalities caused by our actions, the returns we can achieve from Green investments are not only positive, but growing over time.

    By David Rozin

  3. This is my first about this one:
    Global Rewarding Everlasting Endowment Nation
    • Global because it needs everyone participation
    • Rewarding because it has a very excellent life worth ROI
    • Everlasting because it need to be established forever
    • Endowment because it is gift from generation to generation
    • Nation because it is a realization of populations unity

    Best regards

  4. We are a long way away from defining "green" and "sustainable"...It's not that this concept or philosophy is new or that we are the first to conceive it...we are the group that is bringing it into "mainstream". Right now, the "green" and "sustainable" revolution is finding it's way..defining it's way and I will give it at least another five years before we truly grasp the definitions that most will agree upon. It is broad and deep and encompasses many layers. Once you start to define something and try to put it into a category, it will transform and become undefinable..I have tried to define it for fourteen years and still haven't quite gotten it...there are shades of green and when we no longer have those, then we might find the definition.
    Just look at what USGBC has and what NAHB has and then you have the category "other".
    I believe that if people just start "somewhere, with something" and head in the direction of green and sustainable we are making progress.
    Here's mine: GREEN- Green Rewards Everybody Everywhere Now.

    By Lita Loesch-Cox

  5. Guaranteeing
    Neutral (TM)

    By Glenn A Curry

  6. Green.Responsible.Environmental.Engagement.Now

    Don E.

  7. Grow Renewable Ecofriendly Energy Now

    By Raghava Charyulu TV

  8. Green is about thinking outside the box and fundamentally changing lots of things that we taken for granted over the decades

    By Valentin Presnov

  9. Generating Respect for Environmental Enhancement Now!

    By Brian Edonel


    By Upneet Rajorhia

  11. WOW, a Chicken or the Egg analogy, this could get complicated.

    By Don E. Dotter

  12. Ultimately, the green movement to me is bigger than all of this. To me the green movement equates to "peace" - personal peace, community peace and world peace.

    By Sue Pierce

  13. ELF Environmental LifeStyle Friendly

    By Edward Koehne

  14. Respect and honor of self and Planet Earth and all it's inhabitants

    By Christina Bergner

  15. TARSS - The Application of Regional Self Sufficiency


  16. It's not an acronym but can be summed up in one word: SUSTAINABILITY.
    Defined by the Brundtland Commission in 1987 as: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

    By David Gross

  17. GRN- Green, Recycling, Nature. Thats my suggestion

    By Bill Stankiewicz.

  18. Green does not mean GHG reduction a confusing term that is easily manipulated by marketing professionals and governments.

    By Michael Christie

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    Affiliate Marketing is a performance based sales technique used by companies to expand their reach into the internet at low costs. This commission based program allows affiliate marketers to place ads on their websites or other advertising efforts such as email distribution in exchange for payment of a small commission when a sale results.
